These Are Reasons Your Manifestation Isn’t Working

When was the last time you weren’t able to reach your goal because you feel like you can’t do it? It is that time when you think about a desire but anxiety gets the best of you.

You think you can’t do it. The unfamiliar and uncertainty get the better of you. So, you end up not doing it at all.

And just like that, you lost an opportunity to explore new things and to grow.

There, my friend, you just got held back by your limiting beliefs.

In manifestation, these limiting beliefs are your biggest challenge. But, what are these limiting beliefs?

I Will Never Be Good Enough

A common limiting belief—an underlying assumption that you know you don’t deserve. It’s one of those times when you want to be a part of something, but you don’t push through with it because you think you’re not good enough.

You think you don’t deserve to have something.

The problem is, if you can’t believe you’re good enough to enjoy what you want, then you’re not going to have it. It’s as simple as that. 

The universe will not give you something you don’t want; no matter how much you think about it. If you’re putting out negative energies because of your limiting beliefs, then you’re not going to get it.

What you need to do is to analyze these negative beliefs. Write down where these beliefs come from, when they started, and then the reasons you should eliminate them.

Every day, read these reasons until you believe them.

I Have To Work Hard To Succeed

It’s true that some things don’t come to you easily. In fact, almost everything you want will require you to put some muscle into it. 

However, if you get stuck in this limiting belief where you think you need to work so hard, then you will only attract little success.

What you need to believe in is balance. Sure, being motivated and ambitious are important, but you also need to realize that you can attract what you want by thinking positive thoughts and enjoy life.

Remember, everything can be awesome and easy if you let it be!

I Need Things To Happen A Certain Way

A lot of people who are beginning the manifestation process tend to set a super-specific intention. I know it’s great to have a clear goal; the problem is, there’s a possibility to make that goal so controlled that you limit its potential to manifest in your life.

When you set an intention, be open to how it can come to you in many different ways. Be on the lookout for signs and you will be surprised how the universe will surprise you!

The universe wants you to believe in your power.

Whatever you put your mind into, you can make it happen—no matter what.

All you need is trust and a bit of pixie dust, and the universe will give you exactly what you want… because you are deserving of everything that you want.

Believe and be open.

P.S. Explore how Reverse Polarity can help you get rid of these limiting beliefs. Click here and see a more powerful way to manifest.
