How Your Energetic Alignment Impacts The Manifestation Process

We all want to manifest things a little bit quicker, and with ease and grace. You might have experienced times when all you need to do was think of something, and it showed up in your life as if the Universe sent what you need immediately.

However, there are times that you feel like you are pushing a mountain only to have your desires come into physical form.

And that is something we tend not to forget. We obsess over it; and we often catch ourselves in low vibration because we are driven by our frustrations.

The key to manifesting quicker depends on your energetic vibration, and you must be aligned to the energetic vibration of your goal.

You must remember that despite technological advancements, we are still a part of the living planet. Therefore, we are still connected to the Universe.

One of the reasons you can’t get your alignment right is that you’re disconnected. You are too caught up in your everyday life that you forget to connect with your inner self. Don’t fret; you can unlock the abundance of the Universe by aligning your energy with elemental Earth energy and archetypal Universal energy.

Align With Your Soul

Reconnect with your soul by starting with your heart first. Get back into your body by movement. You can also connect to your soul through physical elements.

Align With The Earth

When we are disconnected with nature, it creates an illusion of separation. You can re-establish this connection by connecting nature’s elements. Feel each of the element—for water, soak yourself in a bath, connect with fire by spending time in front of the fireplace, feel the earth by walking barefoot, and feel the air in your body by taking deep breaths.

Align With The Universe

Aligning with the Universe requires you to align your energetic vibration with it. The most effective way to get in alignment with the Universe is through gratitude and setting your intentions.

Keeping in mind these three things when you’re trying to re-align yourself to the power of the Universe will help boost your manifestation process. Therefore, you can look forward to faster results. Additionally, the more you practice being aligned to these three energies, the more it will come naturally to you. When it feels natural, it will be easier for you to tap into its power.

Every day, take a moment to align yourself to these energies, even if you’re not manifesting. Simply being in alignment with these energies will allow you to live a better life.
