I Can Manifest Abundance Because I Know Where It Exists In My Life
Manifesting abundance begins with the right frame of mind. As the Law of Attraction dictates, we create our own reality.
We attract the things what we ‘put out’ vibrationally. If you are a happy, positive, appreciative person, you will attract more of the same things energetically.
One of the biggest obstacles for many people in manifesting abundance is the fact that they find themselves disconnected from their vision. Indeed, there’s a strong desire, but it always feels like it’s far-fetched.
Let me explain…
Do you have a strong desire? Do you have lots of daydreams about fancy vacations and new cars? How about big houses and an incredible pay rise? Do you feel like these things are within reach? Or do they always seem to happen to a fictional version of yourself?
A lot of people can visualize elaborate things that they would love to have but they don’t bring these desires into the present.
Let’s start to change that today.
How can you bring more abundance into your life right now?
Meditation is the key to creating the mindful stillness required to bring your visions into reality.
When you meditate, you develop the sense of your spirit being something much greater than your body, and you tap into the abundant creativity of the Universe, which you are a part of.
That sense of connection makes you realize the infinite possibilities available to all of us.
Aside from meditation, there are ways to start living an abundant life today!
Learn where the abundance already exists in your life and how you can create more space for it:
An Abundance of Creativity

Manifesting abundance is an act of creativity. Whether you are dreaming of creating a new home, having a baby, or starting a new venture. There are ways in which you can bring creativity into your life right now.
Try to create something new every single day. Whether it’s cooking a new recipe, creating a positive conversation with your spouse or creating a fun event for your friends or something more artistic, the truth is we all create things on a daily basis.
When you tune into your current creativity now, you make room for more to come. Energetically, you are vibrating with creativity and inspired thought which will bring more of that into your life.
The message you send to the Universe is that you are constantly creating, and you VIBRATE on the frequency of inspiration.
An Abundance of Health
Are you doing all you can to worship the body you live in? Do you think there are ways you could adjust your diet to better reflect the kind of person you long to be?
I don’t mean cut out on carbs, necessarily. Abundant health is about tuning into your own body’s needs and learning to understand how you can best serve them. That might mean you add more organic, plant-based recipes to your weekly food plan.
Or perhaps you begin each morning with a glass of water before you reach for the coffee. Maybe you practice drinking less alcohol or make a habit of going for a long walk after lunch.
Whatever it is, when you prioritize your health, the message you send to the Universe is that you KNOW you are WORTHY.
An Abundance of Love

Find all the ways that you can celebrate an abundance of love in your life right now. Whether it’s making lists of the positive aspects of your partner or spouse, celebrating all the reasons you adore your family and friends or spending time with your beloved pet, you can find a chance for love in every single day.
Love is all around us, if you look for it. Read books about love, read love poetry, watch films that celebrate the loving and overall positive nature of humanity, immerse yourself in small acts of love every day. Call up someone you haven’t spoken to in ages, offer to help out a friend or a neighbor in need, pick up some trash on your way to the store.
Don’t forget to love yourself. Do something loving towards yourself every day, whether it be changing a negative thought into a positive one, going to bed earlier when you need to or taking the time to nourish yourself and move your body.
Send a message to the Universe that you vibrate with love. Appreciate the love all around you so you can have more of it in your life.
An Abundance of Opportunity
Every single day can be different depending on how we choose to view our lives and how we make decisions. Start to notice the infinite options that present themselves to you throughout your day.
You get to choose what you eat, what you wear, how you speak, who you speak to and what you think about.
You get to choose whether or not to get mad and impatient at the driver who cuts you off, or whether to let that go and refuse to be thrown off your day.
You get to choose whether to smile at that stranger or lower your gaze.
You get to choose whether you read that piece of distressing news and get riled up by it, or whether you decide to go outside instead and take some deep breaths of fresh air.
You get to choose whether you spend time towards doing something positive for your life or whether you waste that time.
You get to choose whether you spend time towards doing something positive for your life or whether you waste that time.
Every single day presents all of us with different choices to make. Make sure that each day, you recognize the wealth of opportunity around you at all times.
You send a message to the Universe that you are aware of the infinite variety of life and your responsibility to create your own reality lies within your hands.
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